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ShirleyS @ShirleyS

There is a height above the trees,
Beyond the sky,
Further than the stars.

That is the height I want to touch,
In this life or when my body takes another form,
I will get there.

When I do,
I will come back for you,
We shall enjoy the splendor of this world together.

ShirleyS @ShirleyS

Live a beautiful life:

ShirleyS @ShirleyS

What if we all went through this life quietly,
never talked of our experiences and loves.
What if life was experienced singularly,
never in pairs or groups.
What if we went through this life quickly,
never a moment to feel with a light grope.

ShirleyS @ShirleyS


There is something about death that brings out a painful ignorance. The kind of ignorance that makes you instantly blurt out, “Where were they going to that they did not make it?”, When you hear the one statement that will never be easy to comprehend, “Unfortunately, they did not make it”. In a few seconds your brain goes through the motions of going through the all too familiar concept of death that will forever be an enigma to the mortal world.

Death robs us of cognitive thought. Our brains momentarily go into a space where processing of information is slow and difficult. A tug of war between what we want to be real and what is actually real. What would make us comfortable and what disrupts the equilibrium of life as we know it.

We do not want to believe so we make ourselves alternative scenarios in the hopes that April fools is a flexible holiday. A very terrible joke was carried way too far. Maybe we heard wrong, or understood wrong. What if the bearer of the news had a slip of the tongue? Or it must have been a pun, some puns are grossly unintended but pass along in statements as if they were fully intended.

The finality of death is one thing that us mortal humans will never get a grasp of. No matter how much we try to reconcile with the idea of not existing in the physical anymore it will never be a notion that comes easy to us. We all know it is the path we must take in this world but it is ever so comforting to think to oneself that we shall take the long route there.

We all want to comfort ourselves in the imagination that we shall live until we are old and gray and begging for the end of time before death visits us. But what happens when we have to face a death that comes when we are still full of life. When we have planned a future and even gone ahead with execution of said future, what happens then?

Death does not just rob from memories past but also of memories that were to come. A joy is robbed from moments shared, tainted forever by the gripping loss of death. The memory of experience is robbed from what would have been shared had death looked the other way. A portion of time that death denies. The thought of new memories that now will be filled by a longing void. What death takes can only be compensated by life, not time.

We all share in the disruption of death. A construct of emotion that can never be pacified. It ebbs and flows through us as time goes by. Eventually we settle into a rhythm that allows us to take a new form of life and live to the fullest of it. Until the inevitable comes and it’s time to transcend.

ShirleyS @ShirleyS


What I want in this life of endless desire is a day of nothingness. One day out of seven when I do not feel the outside world, I do not exist in the physical realm. One day that I am only in my own consciousness.

I want to be in a state of limbo. Let my body levitate in the weightlessness of nothingness. I want to free myself of all fears, all consuming thought. I want to free myself of expectation. I want to be apart from life but inside it.

On this one day I will let my deepest desires flow out of me from my fingertips. In words, in touch, in play, I don't care. There is a part of me that needs to exist away from the realities of life.
